Sunday, March 4, 2012

RV's are cool

Well I tricked the kids into taking a ride with me today.  I must say they  were very good about being dragged to look at RV's.  We left just before lunch and I bribed them with food.  Once we ate the rest of the ride was a joy.  My younger two love getting in the RV's.  The big one (11) is always reluctant at first but then joins the fun.  I had called around before I left asking if they had bunkhouses with lofts.  The fella at the dealership assured me and then once I was there I learned it was not so.  Normally I would have been annoyed at having driven such a distance and the cost of gas but I decided I was going to pick his brain.  He was very nice and answered all my questions.  We saw some bunkhouses but without lofts.  Then we saw one without bunks but a loft and my children demanded that I buy it on the spot.  I am glad they are excited about our future.  I was also informed that there will be another RV show which will be family oriented.  I hope this means more than a few bunkhouses to look at.

Looking forward to the weekend....

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